Friday, October 12, 2007

The end of the season, and beginning of a new year on Breuer Unleashed

What's up Regulators?

It's been a crazy couple of weeks here at Breuer Unleashed. After changing dates a couple of times, the next Comedy Covers show has a permanent home and time at Gotham Comedy Club, 8:00pm on November 7th. Seriously, get tickets now because we're working on some major surprises!

We'll also be doing a listener Comedy Covers show on the air sometime in November-- so if you want to be a part of it, send over MP3s to me at

In other news, both the Mets and the Yankees have been knocked out of the Series, leading to temporary depressions for our host and co-host respectively. (In case you hadn't noticed, they take baseball pretty seriously around here.) But time heals all wounds, and in a matter of mere months I'm sure Breuer and Correale will once again be investing all their hearts, hopes, and dreams in their chosen NY teams.

But you know who's not going anywhere this season? Or next season? Or the season after that? Or the season after that? THIS SHOW. As Breuer announced on the air, we're sticking around for another year... we've dug our claws in this place and no one's letting go.

Now, I've gotten a ton of emails from listeners that were upset because they wanted to know what the guys in Beatallica look like and I never posted the picture. That, of course, is not even remotely true. But here 's a picture of them in studio from months ago anyway.